
CVC4, the fifth generation of Cooperating Validity Checker from NYU and U Iowa, is a DPLL solver with a SAT solver core and a delegation path to different decision procedure implementations, each in charge of solving formulas in some background theory. It works for first-order logics. It has implemented decision procedures for the theory of uninterpreted/free functions, arithmetic(integer, real, linear, non-linear), arrays, bit-vectors and datatypes. It uses a combination method based on Nelson-Oppen to cooperate different theories. Also, CVC4 supports quantifiers through heuristic instantiaionfootnote and has the ability to generate model. For both satisfiable(sat)/unsatisfiable(unsat) formulas, CVC4 can come up with the correct answer.


Since ANTLR has been largely changed, the building process listed here should be changed a little bit.

  1. Download source code from official links.

  2. Following the building instruction to build the CVC4.

  3. Enter contrib directory, use get-antlr-3.4 to get ANTLR.


    The get-antlr-3.4 file should be changed. All the hyperlinks including “” should be changed to “”.

  4. Use ./configure --with-antlr-dir=`pwd`/antlr-3.4 ANTLR=`pwd`/antlr-3.4/bin/antlr3 to do configuration.

  5. Following the rest steps in the building instruction. If the configure reports missing something, just install them all.

  6. Make


To invoke command line interface, just type

./cvc4 scriptfile.smt2

It will use the correct parser based on file extensions. If you want to test all the scripts in a folder, try this

ls | xargs -n 1 cvc4

Kinds of Expressions

From Built-in Theory

Kind Meaning
SORT_TAG sort tag
SORT_TYPE sort type
UNINTERPRETED_CONSTANT The kind of expressions representing uninterpreted constants
ABSTRACT_VALUE The kind of expressions representing abstract values (other than uninterpreted sort constant
BUILTIN The kind of expressions representing built-in operators
FUNCTION function
APPLY defined function application
EQUAL equality
DISTINCT disequality
VARIABLE variable
BOUND_VARIABLE bound variable
SKOLEM skolem var
SEXPR a symbolic expression
LAMBDA lambda
CHAIN chain operator
TYPE_CONSTANT basic types
FUNCTION_TYPE function type
SEXPR_TYPE symbolic expression type
CONST_STRING a string of characters
SUBTYPE_TYPE predicate subtype

From Boolean Theory

Kind Meaning
CONST_BOOLEAN truth and falsity
NOT logical not
AND logical and
IFF logical equivalence
IMPLIES logical implication
OR logical or
XOR exclusive or
ITE if-then-else

From UF Theory

Kind Meaning
APPLY_UF uninterpreted function application
CARDINALITY_CONSTRAINT cardinality constraint

From Arithmatic Theory

Kind Meaning
PLUS arithmetic addition
MULT arithmetic multiplication
MINUS arithmetic binary subtraction operator
UMINUS arithmetic unary negation
DIVISION real division (user symbol)
DIVISION_TOTAL real division with interpreted division by 0 (internal symbol)
INTS_DIVISION ints division (user symbol)
INTS_DIVISION_TOTAL ints division with interpreted division by 0 (internal symbol)
INTS_MODULUS ints modulus (user symbol)
INTS_MODULUS_TOTAL ints modulus with interpreted division by 0 (internal symbol)
POW arithmetic power
SUBRANGE_TYPE the type of an integer subrange
CONST_RATIONAL a multiple-precision rational constant
LT less than, x < y
LEQ less than or equal, x <= y
GT greater than, x > y
GEQ greater than or equal, x >= y

From Array Theory

Kind Meaning
ARRAY_TYPE array type
SELECT array select
STORE array store
STORE_ALL array store-all
ARR_TABLE_FUN array table function (internal symbol)

From BitVector Theory

Kind Meaning
BITVECTOR_TYPE bit-vector type
CONST_BITVECTOR a fixed-width bit-vector constant
BITVECTOR_CONCAT bit-vector concatenation
BITVECTOR_AND bitwise and
BITVECTOR_OR bitwise or
BITVECTOR_XOR bitwise xor
BITVECTOR_NOT bitwise not
BITVECTOR_NAND bitwise nand
BITVECTOR_NOR bitwise nor
BITVECTOR_XNOR bitwise xnor
BITVECTOR_COMP equality comparison (returns one bit)
BITVECTOR_MULT bit-vector multiplication
BITVECTOR_PLUS bit-vector addition
BITVECTOR_SUB bit-vector subtraction
BITVECTOR_NEG bit-vector unary negation
BITVECTOR_UDIV bit-vector unsigned division, truncating towards 0 (undefined if divisor is 0)
BITVECTOR_UREM bit-vector unsigned remainder from truncating division (undefined if divisor is 0)
BITVECTOR_SDIV bit-vector 2’s complement signed division
BITVECTOR_SREM bit-vector 2’s complement signed remainder (sign follows dividend)
BITVECTOR_SMOD bit-vector 2’s complement signed remainder (sign follows divisor)
BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL bit-vector total unsigned division, truncating towards 0 (undefined if divisor is 0)
BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL bit-vector total unsigned remainder from truncating division (undefined if divisor is 0)
BITVECTOR_SHL bit-vector left shift
BITVECTOR_LSHR bit-vector logical shift right
BITVECTOR_ASHR bit-vector arithmetic shift right
BITVECTOR_ULT bit-vector unsigned less than
BITVECTOR_ULE bit-vector unsigned less than or equal
BITVECTOR_UGT bit-vector unsigned greater than
BITVECTOR_UGE bit-vector unsigned greater than or equal
BITVECTOR_SLT bit-vector signed less than
BITVECTOR_SLE bit-vector signed less than or equal
BITVECTOR_SGT bit-vector signed greater than
BITVECTOR_SGE bit-vector signed greater than or equal
BITVECTOR_BITOF_OP operator for the bit-vector boolean bit extract
BITVECTOR_EXTRACT_OP operator for the bit-vector extract
BITVECTOR_REPEAT_OP operator for the bit-vector repeat
BITVECTOR_ZERO_EXTEND_OP operator for the bit-vector zero-extend
BITVECTOR_SIGN_EXTEND_OP operator for the bit-vector sign-extend
BITVECTOR_ROTATE_LEFT_OP operator for the bit-vector rotate left
BITVECTOR_ROTATE_RIGHT_OP operator for the bit-vector rotate right
BITVECTOR_BITOF bit-vector boolean bit extract
BITVECTOR_EXTRACT bit-vector extract
BITVECTOR_REPEAT bit-vector repeat
BITVECTOR_ZERO_EXTEND bit-vector zero-extend
BITVECTOR_SIGN_EXTEND bit-vector sign-extend
BITVECTOR_ROTATE_LEFT bit-vector rotate left
BITVECTOR_ROTATE_RIGHT bit-vector rotate right

From Datatype Theory

Kind Meaning
APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR constructor application
APPLY_SELECTOR selector application
APPLY_TESTER tester application
DATATYPE_TYPE datatype type
PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE parametric datatype
APPLY_TYPE_ASCRIPTION type ascription, for datatype constructor applications
ASCRIPTION_TYPE a type parameter for type ascription
TUPLE_TYPE tuple type
TUPLE a tuple
TUPLE_SELECT_OP operator for a tuple select
TUPLE_SELECT tuple select
TUPLE_UPDATE_OP operator for a tuple update
TUPLE_UPDATE tuple update
RECORD_TYPE record type
RECORD a record
RECORD_SELECT_OP operator for a record select
RECORD_SELECT record select
RECORD_UPDATE_OP operator for a record update
RECORD_UPDATE record update

From Quantifier Theory

Kind Meaning
FORALL universally quantified formula
EXISTS existentially quantified formula
INST_CONSTANT instantiation constant
BOUND_VAR_LIST bound variables
INST_PATTERN instantiation pattern
INST_PATTERN_LIST instantiation pattern list

From RewriteRule Theory

Kind Meaning
REWRITE_RULE generale rewrite rule
RR_REWRITE actual rewrite rule
RR_REDUCTION actual reduction rule
RR_DEDUCTION actual deduction rule

Built-in Atomic Types

Type Meaning
BUILTIN_OPERATOR_TYPE Built in type for built in operators
STRING_TYPE String type
BOOLEAN_TYPE Boolean type
REAL_TYPE Real type
INTEGER_TYPE Integer type
INST_PATTERN_TYPE Instantiation pattern type
INST_PATTERN_LIST_TYPE Instantiation pattern list type
RRHB_TYPE head and body of the rule type


ID Meaning