
We have used a lot of materials from the Internet. And these are an incomplete list of them. We want to say thank you to all those geniuses behind these documentations/papers/reports.


[BaBE11]Barker-Plummer, David; Barwise, Jon; Etchemendy, John: Language, Proof, and Logic. 2. Aufl. : Center for the Study of Language and Inf, 2011 — ISBN 1575866323
[HuRy04]Huth, M.; Ryan, M.: Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning About Systems. 2. Aufl. : Cambridge University Press Cambridge, UK, 2004


[AFGK11]Armand, Mickaël; Faure, Germain; Grégoire, Benjamin; Keller, Chantal; Théry, Laurent; Wener, Benjamin: Verifying SAT and SMT in Coq for a fully automated decision procedure. In: PSATTT’11: International Workshop on Proof-Search in Axiomatic Theories and Type Theories, 2011
[AvBM01]Avellone, A.; Benini, M.; Moscato, U.: How to avoid the formal verification of a theorem prover. In: Logic journal of IGPL 9 (2001), Nr. 1, S. 1–25
[BaST10]Barrett, Clark; Stump, Aaron; Tinelli, Cesare: The smt-lib standard: Version 2.0. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (Edinburgh, England). Bd. 13, 2010
[BDOS08]Barrett, Clark; Deters, Morgan; Oliveras, Albert; Stump, Aaron: Design and results of the 4th annual satisfiability modulo theories competition (SMT-COMP 2008). In: To appear 6 (2008)
[BeKL12]Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei: Seamless Composition and Integration: A Perspective on Formal Methods Research (2012)
[BFMP11]Bobot, Franccois; Filliâtre, Jean-Christophe; Marché, Claude; Paskevich, Andrei: The Why3 platform : LRI, CNRS & Univ. Paris-Sud & INRIA Saclay, version 0.64 edition, 2011
[BMBC08]Barrett, Clark; de Moura, Leonardo; Bjørner, Nikolaj; Cimatti, Alessandro; ITC-IRST, Trento; Dutertre, Bruno; Krstic, Sava; Nieuwenhuis, Robert; u. a.: SMT 2008: 6th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories. In: Workshop: July. Bd. 7, 2008, S. 8
[BoFi00]Bobot, Franccois; Filliâtre, Jean-Christophe: Separation Predicates: a Taste of Separation Logic in First-Order Logic
[CoCK06]Conchon, Sylvain; Contejean, Evelyne; Kanig, Johannes: Ergo: a theorem prover for polymorphic first-order logic modulo theories. In: Artigo sobre o Ergo. Disponível em:< http://ergo. lri. fr/papers/ergo. ps>. Acesso em 17 (2006)
[EcPe09]Echenim, M.; Peltier, N.: A New Instantiation Scheme for Satisfiability Modulo Theories (Research Report) (2009)
[GuKM11]Guitton, Jérôme; Kanig, Johannes; Moy, Yannick: Why Hi-Lite Ada? In: Rustan, et al.[32] (2011), S. 27–39
[LaMi00]Lapets, Andrei; Mirzaei, Saber: Towards Lightweight Integration of SMT Solvers
[MoBj09]De Moura, L.; Bjørner, N.: Satisfiability modulo theories: An appetizer. In: Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications (2009), S. 23–36
[Mour00]de Moura, L.: SMT Solvers: Theory and Implementation
[PrBG05]Prasad, M. R.; Biere, A.; Gupta, A.: A survey of recent advances in SAT-based formal verification. In: International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) 7 (2005), Nr. 2, S. 156–173
[RuSh07]Rushby, John; Shankar, Natarajan: AFM’07: Second Workshop on Automated Formal Methods: November 6, 2007, Atlanta, Georgia : Association for Computing Machinery, 2007

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